Christmas was fun with the kids this year. David and Nathan enjoyed their presents. Jonathan really had no interest in opening any of his presents but he was happy anyway. He just enjoyed practicing his walking skills, walking around in circles, drinking his bottle while the rest of us explored our gifts! Once his gifts were opened, he enjoyed playing with them. Here's our Christmas pictures...
We decided to travel to Arizona for Thanksgiving this year and spend the holiday with Doug's family. It was so much fun to see all of them and to watch the kids playing together and having such a good time. We had a great Thanksgiving feast, shared with the Wright's (sadly, minus Jared, Laurie and co.) and the Cluff's. There was basketball and ping pong. Then we spent the rest of the weekend enjoying our short time together. Girls' only time was spent making clocks and seeing Twilight. The guys enjoyed video games and basketball. We even got an adults ONLY night out! Imagine the luxury of THAT!!!
FPOA puts on various sports tournaments for the officers during the year. Soccer, Softball, Football, etc. So Doug played in this "flag" football tournament a week or two before Thanksgiving. It might as well have been tackle football for how much these guys spent on the ground! He had fun even if they didn't win. Too bad I didn't get any good pictures of him actually playing. It was fun for me to go watch Doug play with his motors team and I also got to meet some of the wives of the other officers which is always nice.
David and Nathan had a good time playing on the playground. Then David came and watched the game with me and took some pictures. Jonathan enjoyed pushing the stroller around, especially when he was trying to sneak onto the field! He was also fascinated by the P.A.L. PT Cruiser.
OH!And don't for get the between-game-father-son bonding!
I decided to take the kids to the park a while back to get them out of the house. We had an abundance of stale bread so we took that to feed to the ducks and we invited Aunt Mandy along. The ducks were happy to eat our stale bread and we had a good time.
David engaged in his favorite pastime, swinging, swinging and more swinging! He was in heaven!
Nathan, our little daredevil, climbed the jungle gym dinosaur, then climbed the jungle gym but not the part your SUPPOSED to climb, nooooo, he climbed on top of the beam ABOVE the monkey bars and then jumped OFF!!! He also climbed some trees and generally just ran around like a typical boy!
Jonathan just enjoyed pushing the stroller all over the park and Aunt Mandy and I followed him wherever he went. Such a cute little thing! He couldn't see anything but he didn't care! He was pushing that stroller as fast as he could make it go!