Sunday, October 21, 2007

Party! Party! Party!

Happy Birthday
Friday was Meagan's birthday so we had a fun celebration! We went to dinner at Tokyo Gardens (of course) with the whole crew, kids and all and had a great time! Jonathan was fascinated by the fire and not scared at all! So cute! David and Nathan loved their shrimp and chicken and then they loved other people's shrimp, chicken and steak too!

After dinner we all went back to Meagan and Nathan's house for presents and dessert! We had Meagan's favorite ice cream cake, mint chocolate chip ice cream with chocolate cake! Yummy! Meagan and Mandy decided to give Jonathan a taste of the whipped cream icing and that was amusing to witness. Hopefully his tastes change by the time his birthday comes around! Everyone else loved it though! Then Meg opened presents.

We wanted to stay longer but the kids were so tired that they were wired so we had to go home and get them to bed. We had a great time though and it was fun to celebrate Meg's birthday with her! Happy Birthday Meagan! We love you!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Wright's Blog is Born

So I am finally starting my blog. I know it's a little late coming but better late than never. We have been staying very busy here. David is in 2nd grade this year and is doing really well! His new love is basketball. He took one of his own balls to school and they keep it there for him to play with at recess. He has started sharing his ball with his friends sometimes and playing together with other kids at school. He makes about 4-6 baskets at each recess according to his aide.

Nathan started kindergarten this year and he loves it. He is making friends and learning lots. He also started soccer this week. He loves it and was actually pretty good at it. He can hardly wait for his next practice. His first game is next Saturday. He's also learning to golf with Grandpa. Grandpa even let him drive the golf cart, with assistance of course!

Jonathan is a complete joy for the whole family. He is growing like a weed and changing all the time. He is 8 months old now. He is very close to sitting alone and crawling. He loves to get on his hands and knees and just rock back and forth like he's about to take off like a rocket. He is so smiley and happy all the time and he loves to laugh, especially at his big brothers. He loves to give "hugs" where he grabs both sides or your face or hair with both hands and just pulls you toward him for a hug or a kiss. He is holding his own bottle now and he loves that.

We are looking forward to Halloween. David and Nathan have been trying on their costumes almost every day. David is going to be the Blue Ranger and Nathan is the Red Ranger. Jonathan is going to be a scarecrow. His costume fits him perfectly and he looks so cute in it!

More to come when I get the time! Love to you all from the California Wrights!